The T-matrix or extended boundary condition method developed by P. Waterman for wave scattering from classical targets and extended by a host of researchers is a marvelous generalization of normal mode solutions allowed for separable geometries to extend to nonseparable geometries by means of mode coupling. The method is based on Huygens’ principle and partial wave expansions of physical quantities. In general the expansions don’t obey orthogonality and one must take care in the way expansions are made. One must never take expansions of a quantity and then represent expansions of their differential forms in terms of the partial wave differential forms using the same expansion coefficients lest one violate a mathematical principle (the Rayleigh hypothesis). One may circumvent any issues without resort to analytical continuation of interior solutions by including all solutions subject to interior and exterior Greens functions. This leads to matrix relations (constraining matrices) between the expansion terms which when used lead to new forms of the fluid T-matrix, for example. The new form differs from Waterman’s T-matrix for the case when the constraining matrices are not symmetric. Otherwise the original expression by Waterman is valid. These issues are discussed and examples are presented.
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