The Solar and Space Environment Division of the Korean Space Science Society investigated the use and possession of ground and satellite observations and models of solar and planetary data operated by domestic research institutes and universities. Based on the findings, we would like to introduce observational instruments, data, and models in solar and interplanetary fields in this paper to improve understanding and use of each data and explore opportunities for interdisciplinary research. The ground and satellite observations, which require a lot of investment, were mainly held by research institutes (National Meteorological Satellite Center, Polar Research Institute, Korean Space Weather, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute and KAIST Satellite Research Institute), and model development was overwhelmingly carried out at Kyung Hee University. In solar and interplanetary fields, we introduce Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS), neutron monitors, and the analysis models [for the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) and Hinode/X-Ray Telescope (XRT) obser-vations] in nonequilibrium ionization state as representatives. Survey on solar and interplanetary fields can be downloaded from the website of the Korean Space Science Society ( The paper makes know the importance of long-term and continuous management of space science-related materials, and hopes to contribute to enhancing the status of domestic space science data by utilizing locally produced data by various personnel participating in space science research.
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