Heading tirne of rice varieties are known to be controlled by three factors, thermo-sensitivity(X1)' photo-sensitivity(X2) and basic vegetative growth(X3)' Degree of contribution of the three Lactors to the determination of growth duration from sowing to' heading was investigated. In the first experiment, 44 rice varieties were grown in a growth cabinet, the temper-ature of which was controlled so as to give a constant difference from the temperature of the open air. The measure of the three factors was obtained by growing plants in a growth cabinet with short(S:10h) or long(L:14h) daylength and low(L:20'C) or high(H:30'C) temperature. X1, X2 and X3 are expressed by nSL-nSH, nLL-nSL and nSH, respectively, where nSL Stands for the number of days from sowing to heading in case of 10h and 20'C, and so on. Multiple correlation between growth duration(Y) and a set of X1, X2 and X3 was. highly significant in all temperature levels, showing that the most part of varietal diffe-rences in growth duration can be explained by the three factors in combination. The standard partial regression coeffcient of Y on X1, X2 and X3 revealed that photo-sensiti-vity(X2) is most important in determining growth duration, followed by basic vegetative growth(X3), thermo-sensitivity(X1) showing no influence.