Gold films with various nanostructures on porous silicon substrates have been createdin one step by using a galvanic exchange reaction approach. In this approach,the formation of gold films is initiated by the formation of metal nuclei via anexchange reaction in which both the oxidation of silicon and reduction of goldcomplex occur simultaneously. Results show that the deposition of gold film isdiffusion controlled, and its apparent activation energy was determined to be28.57 kJ mol−1. Therefore, gold nanostructures with text structure, clusters, and dendrites with leaf-likeor branch-like structure can be prepared by adjusting the diffusion conditions such assystem temperature, concentration of gold salt, ultrasonic vibration, and addition ofadditives. The SERS activity of the various porous silicon supported gold nanostructureswas evaluated using pyridine and adenine as molecular probes. Amongst the various poroussilicon supported gold nanostructures, the gold films with leaf-like structures show thehighest SERS activity due to the presence of surface active sites in the nanostructures. Thepresent method is promising for the fabrication of stable gold nanostructures forultrasensitive analytical measurements.