Emerging technologies cause changes in education. These changes result in new human learning processes that evolve to collaborative e-learning approach, where social and mobile networks take a great relevance.In this paper we introduce SCHOM (SCHOlar Messaging). We have developed this tool for communication and collaborative e-learning in wired and wireless environments. SCHOM, a SaaS (Software as a Service) in the cloud, allows the exchange of information between members of a domain intra and/or inter academic. SCHOM can be used in different communication channels such as e-mail, instant messaging, chats, discussion boards or microblogging. Besides, it supports different devices: smartphones, tablets or computers.One of the main advantages of this tool is that it ensures the digital anonymous. For instance, one user could send a message to other one knowing his identity. Nevertheless the user will not know the communication channel used to send the message. Each user selects the channels whereby he wants to receive his messages.Registered users on the system are organized in groups (or organizational units) by forming relationships n:m. Groups in turn can be nested to build hierarchical structures that can simulate real work environments, for example, a faculty with its degrades, courses and subjects, … A group (each member regardless of the nesting level) can also be receiver of messages.