We have developed a new electrochemical method to study the morphology of electrodeposited metal in-situ at the nano-scale , without the need of any additional surface characterization techniques. A metal-insulator-metal (MIM) pillar structure with exposed edges is fabricated and subsequently contacted in a customize 4-electrode electrochemical cell. The current is measured during electrodeposition while a voltage bias is applied between the two working electrodes, separated by a 50 nm thin dielectric. For appropriate choices of the voltage bias and deposition potential, the current between the two working electrodes can easily be distinguished from the electrodeposition current. This current represents the tunnelling current and eventually the mesoscopic contact current. The change in conductance of the MIM structure during electrodeposition is highly indicative of the growth mode of the electrodeposited metal. A rough film growth leads to step-like, quantized current transients typical of mesoscopic point contacts. Some steps correspond to the conductance quantum but smaller steps in the tunnelling current are also observed [1]. In contrast, a uniformly growing film leads to smooth, exponential current transients due to the significant contribution of a tunnelling current before physical contact is made.We use this method to investigate the growth of Au thin films from a thiosulfate-sulfite bath, and the growth of Cu from a sulfate bath. We also show the effect of common levelling additives for Cu electrodeposition, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) and benzotriazole (BTA). Additionally, we have observed a significant dependence of the film growth on the voltage bias applied between the top and bottom metals of the MIM that is independent of the deposition potential.This technique provides a novel platform to study the effect of additives and other electrodeposition variables in a wide range of electrolytes. Furthermore, it provides an efficient platform to fabricate nanogap structures.[1] Li, C. Z., H. X. He, and N. J. Tao. "Quantized tunneling current in the metallic nanogaps formed by electrodeposition and etching." Applied Physics Letters 77.24 (2000): 3995-3997.
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