We present a review of some recent results obtained in the unquenched quark model for baryons. The effects of sea quarks are taken into account in an explicit form via a QCD-inspired creation mechanism of the quark-antiquark pairs. In this approach, the contribution of the quark-antiquark pairs can be studied for any inital baryon and for any flavor of the qq̄ pairs (uū, dd̄ and ss̄). It is shown that, whereas the inclusion of qq̄ pairs (or meson loops) does not affect the baryon magnetic moments, it immediately leads to an excess of d̄ over ū in the proton and introduces a sizeable contribution of orbital angular momentum to the spin of the proton. The contribution of ss̄ pairs to the magnetic moment and the radius of the proton is found to be small, in agreement with the latest experimental results and recent lattice calculations.