Let G = (V(G),E(G)) denote a graph whose set of vertices and set of edges are V(G)and E(G), respectively. For any v ∈ V(G), we denote the neighbors of v as N(v) .B yn(G), we denote the number of vertices of G. All graphs considered here are both finite and simple. We denote, respectively, by Sn, Pn, and Cn the star, path, and cycle with n vertices. Let (G1,v1) and (G2,v2) be two graphs rooted at v1 and v2, respectively, then G = (G1,v1) �� (G1,v2) denote the graph obtained by identifying v1 with v2 as one common vertex. Let Un denote the set of all unicycle graphs of order n .B yU(n,k) we denote the set of unicycle graphs in which the length of its cycle is k. For any graph G in U(n,k), we denote the unique cycle of length k in G as Ck. Other notations and terminology not defined here will conform to those in [1]. For any given graph G, its Merrifield‐Simmons index, simply denoted as f(G), is defined to be the number of subsets of the vertex set, in which any two vertices are non-adjacent, i.e., in graph-theoretical terminology, the number of independent-vertex subsets of G, including the empty set. We take the cycle C4 =