Introduction: Mrityunjaya Rasa is a Herbo-Mineral formulation, mentioned in Jwara Chikitsa along with various Anupana like Madhu, Aardraka Swarasa, and Jeeraka Kashaya with Guda. Ingredients like Shudha Hingula, Shudha Gandhaka, Shudha Vatsanabha, Shudha Tankana, Pippali and Maricha with properties of Tikta, Katu Rasa Teekshna Guna and Deepana-Pachana, Swedajanana, Yogavahi and Jwaraghna action show the significant result on various types of fever. To attain desired qualities in the finished product, it is much needed to check efficacy on modern parameters for standardization purposes. Thus, Mrityunjaya Rasa was subjected to X- ray diffraction spectroscopy to ensure SOPs followed for preparation. Aim: The study aimed to analyse the results of X-ray diffraction spectroscopy of Mrityunjaya Rasa. Materials and Methods: X-ray diffraction spectroscopy of Mrityunjaya Rasa was carried out at MIT–central instrumentation facility – innovation centre, Manipal, Udupi. Results: XRD study indicates that Mrityunjaya Rasa contains HgS (cinnabar), mercury sulphide in major phase and borax and elements Na, Ca, Mn, Mg, K, P, Zn, C, Cl2, Fe and B in minor phase. Conclusions: Mrityunjaya Rasa contains HgS (cinnabar), mercury sulphide in major phase and borax and other elements like Na, Ca, Mn, Mg, K, P, Zn, C, Cl2, Fe, and B are also present. Compounds and elements are present due to ingredients and Shodhana media which were used. This study can be a path for establishing the thumbprint of SOP for Mrityunjaya Rasa, a herbomineral compound formulation. Keywords: Mrityunjaya Rasa, XRD, HgS, S, Borax, Na, Ca, Mn etc.
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