ABSTRACTDespite the reduction of global asbestos consumption and production due to the ban or restriction of asbestos uses in more than 50 countries since the 1970s, malignant mesothelioma remains a disease of concern. Asbestos is still used, imported, and exported in several countries, and the number of mesothelioma deaths may be expected to increase in the next decades in these countries. Asbestos exposure is the main risk factor for malignant pleural mesothelioma, but other types of exposures are linked to the occurrence of this type of cancer. Although recent treatments improve the quality of life of patients with mesothelioma, malignant pleural mesothelioma remains an aggressive disease. Recent treatments have not resulted in appreciable improvement in survival, and thus development of more efficient therapies is urgently needed. The development of novel therapeutic strategies is dependent on our level of knowledge of the physiopathological and molecular changes that mesothelial cells acquired during the neoplastic process. During the past 5 years, new findings have been published on the etiology, epidemiology, molecular changes, and innovative treatments of malignant pleural mesothelioma. This review aims to update the findings of recent investigations on etiology, epidemiology, and molecular changes with a focus on (1) attributable risk of asbestos exposure in men and women and (2) coexposure to other minerals and other elongated mineral particles or high aspect ratio nanoparticles. Recent data obtained on genomic and gene alterations, pathways deregulations, and predisposing factors are summarized.