In the article, the basic VHDL-AMS models of MEMS-based capacitive accelerometers were developed. The models were designed for two basic types of capacitive accelerometers, namely lamellar and counter-pivotal. The developed models allow us to determine the source of electrical capacitive accelerometers depending on the incoming mechanical and structural parameters and were constructed for MEMS CAD at the circuit level. The circuit level of MEMS development requires an analysis of the total integrated device electric circuits. For this purpose, all the MEMS components should be written in the specific software systems, which would be understandable for the software system. Taking into account that MEMS devices operate on different physical principles, certain difficulties may arise during the electrical analysis, that is, the work of mechanical or other devices need to be described with the help of electric parameters. In the general case, the method for building the VHDL-AMS model of the MEMS-based capacitive accelerometer is needed construction of the simplified mechanical model, and then a simplified electrical model. On the basis of the simplified models, the VHDL-AMS model of electromechanical MEMS devices has been developed. In the article, the method of automated synthesis and mathematical models using the VHDL-AMS language, which is based on the method of electrical analogies were described. They use systems of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations to determine the relationships between input and output parameters. The sequence and quantity of used differential equations are determined by the physical principles of operation of the MEMS element and the number of energy transformations, which allows increasing the level of automation of synthesis operations compared to existing methods. The results of the basic lamellar and counter-pivotal capacitive accelerometers are also shown. This enables to conduct research and analysis of its parameters and investigate the output electric parameters dependence on the input mechanical ones.
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