"Memories of the Journey to Siberia, Staying in Berezovе and Saratov" by Eva Felinska is a complex genre-style formation of memoir literature of the Right Bank of Ukraine in the Romantic era with characteristic features of positivist tendencies. It is united by a common thematic idea, recording and contemplating on the events which took place during the author's forced journey to Siberia and stay in places of exile. Assimilation at the level of subgenres and modifications as a result of further "shaking" of the genealogical paradigm of the Enlightenment under the influence of the formation of a new individual romantic authorial consciousness, inherent in the literature of the first half of the nineteenth century, acquired a new stylistic color and functionality. Within the general subgenre dominance of women's Siberian memories of exile, a travel diary, forced travel, private letters, folk tales, article, review, business economic document were combined, which together made E. Felinska's "Memories of the Journey to Siberia…" interesting for a wider audience of readers, making it possible to present various spheres of socio-historical development of the era and directly construct and present a multifaceted image of the memoirist, which has not disappeared against the large-scale background of the era. E. Felinska's diary style is characterized by certain conciseness, attention is focused on the most significant events, and in the center of the image there is a nomination, the text provides above all cognitive-scientific informativeness. With the continuation of work on "Memories of the Journey to Siberia…" genre modification of the Siberian diary of forced travel, getting rid of the features of exotic space and ethnographic color, inherent in depicting the customs and traditions of indigenous peoples of the North, turns into a household diary that covers the everyday realities of the life of the writer-exile. Keywords: E. Felinska, genre, letter, genre modification, diary, memories.