We present a detailed derivation of a formula for the small-gain calculation for an x-ray free electron laser oscillator (XFELO) based on a medium-energy (3–4 GeV) storage ring. We found harmonic lasing and strong focusing are essential for this beam energy range. Taking the small-signal low-gain formula developed by Kim and his colleagues, we modified it in such a way that the gain can be calculated without the “no focusing approximation,” and a strong focusing can be applied, as well as harmonic lasing. In this formula, the gain is represented as a product of two factors with one of them depending only on the harmonic number, undulator period, and gap. Using this factor, we show that it is favorable to use harmonic lasing to achieve hard x-ray FEL working in the small-signal low-gain regime with the medium-energy electron beam. Our formula also allows FEL optimization by varying the vertical gradient of the undulator, the vertical dispersion, and the horizontal and vertical focusing, independently. As an example, we applied this formula to study the feasibility of an XFELO option for the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) upgrade. Since a quite high peak current is required for the FEL, collective effects of beam dynamics in medium-energy synchrotrons significantly affect the electron beam parameters. We carried out a multiparameter optimization taking collective effects into account. Note, even though our example is for a ring-based XFELO at 3 to 4 GeV, the formula and, in particular, the approach developed here may be applied to other types of FELs. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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