Larvae of the mud crab Eurypanopeus depressus (Smith) were reared in various concentrations of the water-soluble fraction of Kuwait crude oil. The 48-h TLm (median tolerance limit) for Zoea Stage I was approximately 10 ppm total dissolved hydrocarbons and that for Zoea Stage II approximately 17 ppm. Chronic toxicity of more dilute solutions (4.3 and 8.7 ppm) was assessed independently for each larval stage and for subsequent developmental stages through Crab Stage 5. In the group continuously exposed to oil from hatching, there was differential mortality relative to controls in every larval stage and increased duration of intermolt periods was observed at every stage through Crab Stage 5. Mortality in groups not exposed until larvae had reached Zoea Stages III or IV was not greater than controls, suggesting that toxicity to advanced larval stages may be related to accumulation of toxic compounds by the larvae. Neither concentration (4.3 or 8.7 ppm) of crude oil caused increased mortality among juvenile crab stages regardless of the time of initial exposure. Increased occurrence of an extra and morphologically abnormal megalopa stage was associated with exposure to the crude oil. This has not been reported before.
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