The ultra-fast development of electronics in the last decade, as well as the constant reduction in the price of electronic components, lead to the fact that many manufacturers of household and industrial equipment replace electromechanical components with microcontroller-controlled electronic circuits in the manufactured equipment. The regulator, on the bimetallic plate and the mechanical timer are inferior in many respects to the electronic regulator and the digital timer. In this work, there was a study of an intelligent temperature module, since in industrial automation there is a tendency for widespread use of such intelligent sensor devices and microcontrollers that collect information, preprocess it, and then forward or store it. Such modules can work autonomously, collecting information about the measurement object and accumulating it until the moment of transfer to the operator (usually implemented on the basis of battery power), or they can be combined into a sensor network while standing but interacting with the main measurement unit. The sensor is powered via an interface cable, and in some cases using signal lines. The criteria for choosing a microcontroller for these purposes are: 1. Kernel performance, the required size of program and data memory, a sufficient number of I / O port lines. 2. The cost of the microcontroller. 3. Technical parameters of the microcontroller (supply voltage range, operating temperature range, resistance to electromagnetic interference). 4. The life cycle of the selected family. 5. FLASH-memory of programs possessing a sufficient resource for programming (minimum resource 1000 times, desirable 100 000). 6. Reduction to the actually necessary value of the frequency of the processor (the use of clock quartz in order to reduce current consumption). 7. Power supply to peripheral microcircuits (external ADCs, FLASH-memory) directly from the processor outputs or through key elements only for the duration of their operation. In the article, a circuit diagram based on the PIC16F84A microcontroller is designed, in which a general circuit model based on Brock’s cell and an operational amplifier-comparator was used as a heat-sensitive sensor. A feature of this microcontroller system is that it is equipped with an optocoupler and triac assembly, which allows you to connect a powerful load of up to 20 A and control it remotely. In addition, volt-temperature characteristics for the presence of non-linearity were considered in the work and the choice of sensor was justified. Keywords: microcontroller, data acquisition system, temperature, measurement error.
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