In situ measurement of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is an important precision agriculture tool usefulfor determining spatial changes in soil properties. Three near-surface geophysical methods are available for rapid,continuous measurement of ECa in agricultural fields. These methods are electromagnetic induction (EMI), capacitivelycoupled resistivity (CCR), and galvanic contact resistivity (GCR). Acceptance for using geophysical methods to gauge spatialchanges in soil properties hinges to a significant degree on there being consistency of the measured ECa spatial patternbetween geophysical methods. Testing of all three methods was conducted on two adjacent test plots having fine-grained soilsand during two time periods with dissimilar shallow hydrologic conditions. Different operational modes for each of the threegeophysical methods were evaluated, including three primary electromagnetic field frequencies (8190, 14610, and 20010 Hz)used for the EMI method, four spacing distances (0.625, 1.25, 2.5, and 5.0 m) between the two dipoles employed with the CCRmethod, and two different Schlumberger electrode array lengths (0.7 and 2.1 m) utilized for the GCR method. Therefore, atotal of nine geophysical method - operational mode combinations were tested.<br><br>Based on spatial correlation analysis, the areal ECa patterns measured by the nine method - operational modecombinations showed substantial similarity to each other, with one exception. The exception was the short electrode arraymode of the GCR method that when paired with the various modes of the other two geophysical methods, exhibited an averagecorrelation coefficient, r, that ranged between only 0.30 and 0.45. All other average r values for pairs of different geophysicalmethod - operational mode combinations ranged between 0.62 and 0.97. Spatial correlation coefficients, for both test plots,between the same method - operational mode combination, but at two different times in which hydrologic conditions varied,ranged from 0.55 to 0.95 for eight of the nine method - operational mode combinations, with the GCR short electrode arrayhaving values of 0.32 and 0.58. Regarding the test plot EC average or median, there were substantial differences in valuesobtained by the three geophysical methods. Electromagnetic vertical sounding measurements along with results obtained byCCR, and GCR surveying, when combined, indicate that for both test plots, from the surface to a depth of a little over 2 m,soil electrical conductivity generally increased first and then decreased. Most importantly, although the measured ECamagnitudes vary between the three geophysical methods, results show that EMI, CCR, and GCR all provide useful andconsistent information on soil electrical conductivity spatial patterns.
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