The properties of noncovalent complexes of the enzyme exo-1,4-β-D-glycanase ("Cex") with three aza-sugar inhibitors, deoxynojirimycin (X(2)DNJ), isofagomine lactam (X(2)IL), and isofagomine (X(2)IF), have been studied with solution and gas-phase hydrogen deuterium exchange (H/Dx) and measurements of collision cross sections of gas-phase ions. In solution, complexes have lower H/Dx levels than free Cex because binding the inhibitors blocks some sites from H/Dx and reduces fluctuations of the protein. In mass spectra of complexes, abundant Cex ions are seen, which mostly are formed by dissociation of complexes in the ion sampling interface. Both complex ions and Cex ions formed from a solution containing complexes have lower cross sections than Cex ions from a solution of Cex alone. This suggests the Cex ions formed by dissociation "remember" their solution conformations. For a given charge, ions of the complexes have greater gas-phase H/Dx levels than ions of Cex. Unlike cross sections, H/Dx levels of the complexes do not correlate with the relative gas-phase binding strengths measured by MS/MS. Cex ions from solutions with or without inhibitors, which have different cross sections, show the same H/Dx level after 15 s, indicating the ions may fold or unfold on the seconds time scale of the H/Dx experiment. Thus, cross sections show that complexes have more compact conformations than free protein ions on the time scale of ca. 1 ms. The gas-phase H/Dx measurements show that at least some complexes retain different conformations from the Cex ions on a time scale of seconds.