Free-flight radiometer measurements of shock layer microwave radiation at a frequency of 2235 Mcycles/sec are analyzed from a gas-dynamic viewpoint. From these measurements, which were carried out during the re-entry of a spherical nose, 9° cone at a nominal velocity of 18,000 fps, an effective plasma temperature is defined. Although a cursory examination of the data indicates general agreement with flowfield calculations, effective temperatures as much as 1500°K higher than the equilibrium stagnation temperature were obtained in the vicinity of the sphere-cone junction. Possible mechanisms which would account for these high-temperature values are considered; and it is proposed that it is the electron temperature overshoot in the stagnation region, coupled with a nearly frozen expansion from these conditions and around the body, that produces the observed excessive plasma temperatures. Theoretical calculations of the effective plasma noise temperature for the stagnation point antenna are also presented, and reasonable agreement is obtained. LTHOUGH the general nature of the flowfield around a blunt hypersonic vehicle is now well known, there still are many details which are not understood. This is particularly true of the physico-chemical phenomena that are present in the flow and the coupling of the associated processes with the fluid mechanic phenomena; and there is thus considerable research still in progress. This work is both of a theoretical and experimental character, and in the latter category includes free-flight as well as laboratory measurements. The present investigation is an outgrowth of a free-flight experimental program being conducted by the Electro-Science Laboratory of The Ohio State University. This program is designed for ballistic re-entry communication studies, and the details of the particular experiment to be discussed here will be summarized in the next section. Much of the data obtained have been from measurements of signal attenuation and reflection. However, the second vehicle in the test series was instrumented specifically for measurements of shock layer microwave radiation at a frequency of 2235 Mcycles/sec. This radiation is the result of Bremsstrahlung emission and is associated with the electron temperature of the gas. The data obtained from this flight experiment thus provides an opportunity to look at the thermal characteristics of the electrons in the flow; and it is the analysis of this data that is the subject of this paper. As noted, the details of the free-flight experiment itself and the data will be discussed in the next section. This will be followed in Sec. Ill by a discussion of the nature of the shock layer surrounding the vehicle in terms of the electron characteristics. Finally, in Sec. IV comparisons will be made between the free-flight microwave radiation measurements and