Under ideal circumstances coherently beamforming multiple distributed arrays should provide improvements over the standard approach of processing the arrays individually and combining them incoherently. These include improved directivity and higher gain. However, two major challenges when coherently processing spatially separated arrays in a real ocean are dealing with coherence losses or wave front distortions caused by random medium effects like internal waves and uncertainties in sensor locations. Some of the consequences are degraded beampatterns and poorer array directivity. In this paper, we perform a simulation-based study utilizing numerical propagation models along with theory examining the effects of wave front distortions induced by random medium effects like internal waves and sensor position uncertainties on coherently beamforming distributed arrays in representative ocean waveguides. Realistic realizations of wave front distortions are generated from actual internal wave measurements and models. The sensitivities of coherent processing to these effects are characterized by resultant beampatterns and losses in array directivity along with a quantification of the tolerances.
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