In the field of labor law, the legal regulation of labor relations in the field of labor protection is investigated, the corresponding measures of supervision and control are characterized, which, in addition to measures for violations of the requirements of labor protection legislation, provide for measures for their prevention and prevention. It is emphasized that state management of labor protection is carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the central body of executive power that implements state policy in the field of labor protection, ministries and other central bodies of executive power, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations and local self-government bodies. It is noted that the powers in the field of labor protection of associations, corporations, concerns and other associations are determined by their charters or agreements between the enterprises that formed the association. In order to perform the functions delegated by the association, labor protection services are created in their apparatuses. The theoretical provisions are substantiated and practical recommendations are developed for improving the legal regulation of labor relations in the field of labor protection based on analysis methods and a systemic approach to generalization for evaluating the effectiveness of state management mechanisms in the field of labor protection. In addition, general scientific and empirical methods and tools of the science of labor law, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison, summary and grouping were used. It was concluded that legal regulation in the field of occupational health and safety is a multilevel and complex functional mechanism, which at all levels of executive power controls and coordinates compliance with occupational health and safety at enterprises, institutions, and organizations regardless of their ownership, types of activity, and branch affiliation. It is emphasized that the existing system of state supervision and control over labor protection in Ukraine needs to be improved and brought into compliance with European standards.
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