Defended at the Graduate Program in Education, Faculty of Science and Technology Campus UNESP Presidente Prudente, in February 2011, this research is part of the Information and Communication Technologies and research field. The goal was to establish guiding principles for the creation of English language classes for Basic Education with the inclusion of digital technologies suggested in Portal do Professor (, a virtual environment proposed by Ministerio da Educacao as a space for supporting a collaborative authorship network aimed at continuing education of teachers and at the expansion of exploitation of educational resources to develop various forms of educational work. These principles are suggested in light of the language teaching Communicative Approach to teach foreign guidelines and of the proposals of Constructionism as proposed by Papert. The Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Lingua Estrangeira (Ensino Fundamental e Medio), a Proposta Curricular para EJA (Segundo Segmento do Ensino Fundamental) and the documents that guide the work of the teams that prepare class suggestions for Portal do Professor were also considered. Four principles were set, which are: 1) encourage interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and technologies, 2) work with authentic texts, real and contextualized communication and technologies, 3) expansion of the discursive basis, critical skills and technologies, 4) collaborative work construction of objects of interest, problem solving and technologies. These principles for the preparation of English lessons may boost the contextualized and meaningful use of technology in classes and also guide the work of English language teachers and teacher trainers. 1 Dissertacao orientada pelo Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlunzen Junior.