Background: Proper feed formulation is required for successful fish farming activities. Therefore, it is necessary for fish feed to provide optimal growth so that the cultivation business generates profits. Currently, there is very limited information about the appropriate feed for Caranx ignobilis, causing problems with its development. This study aims to provide feed with different protein levels to C. ignobilis. Methods: We will examine the protein levels’ effects on the daily growth rate (DGR), specific growth rate (SGR), absolute growth rate (AGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed efficiency (FE), and survival rate (SR). This research was conducted for 35 days, from June to October 2017, at the Center Brackiswater Aquaculture Development (BPBAP) Ujung Batee, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Aceh Besar, Indonesia. This study used a completely randomized design method, with five treatment levels (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% protein feed) and four replications. Results: The results showed that feeding with different proteins on C. ignobilis had a significant effect on the mean values of DGR, SGR, AGR, FCR, FE, and SR. The 50% protein feed gave the best results for C. ignobilis, with a mean DGR value of 0.267 ± 0.005 g / day, a mean SGR of 1.722 ± 0.030% / day, a mean AGR of 0.081 ± 0.003 cm/day, a mean FCR of 1.290, a mean FE 77.755% and a mean SR was 86.667%. Conclusions: Furthermore, feed treatment with increased protein content between 30%–50% has a positive correlation with the growth of C. ignobilis. However, the ability to grow fish will decrease if the feed protein content is >50%.
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