In 1990 Gordon[12] introduced the concepts of the McShane integral of Banach-valued functions. This integral is a generalized Riemann integral of functions which have values in a Banach space. For real-valued functions the McShane integral and the Lebesgue integral are equivalent. Gordon[12] and Fremlin and Mendoza[3] have developed the properties of this integral. In this paper, we will investigate some properties and relations among the McShane integral, the Dunford integral, and the Pettis integral. Let a given separable contain no copy of C 0 and T be a weakly compact operator. Then we will show that a Dunford integrable function f:[a,b] →X is intrinsically-separable valued when f is McShane integrable. Also, we will show that if there exists a sequence (f n ) of McShane integrable functions from [a,b] to X such that for each x ? ∈X ? ,x ? f n → x ? f a·e·, then f is McShane integrable. Finally, we will show that if f :[a,b] →X is McShane integrable, then {x ? f x ? ∈Bx ? } is uniformly integrable in L¹(μ) where X contains no copy of C 0 .