Purpose: Analogy are visually similar images that can help medical students integrate novel information with prior facts to enhance comprehension and strengthen inferences. The current study explores the student feedback regarding using analogies in teaching physiology. Methodology: During didactic lectures in Physiology a series of analogies were presented in 2 systems that is cardiovascular system including autonomic nervous system and gastro intestinal physiology. Anonymous feedback was collected form the first year MBBS students regarding the significance of the analogies utilized as educational aid during the didactic lectures. Results: 95.9% of the medical students reported that analogies played a crucial role in explaining the concepts. 90.7% of the respondents believed that using analogies in understanding the physiological concepts. 92.3% of the respondents felt that analogies enhanced the student-teacher interaction in the didactic lectures. Conclusion: In conclusion, the use of analogies incites student's interest in learning physiology and deepens their understanding of the concepts.
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