Physical events in spg~e-time always involve an observe an ~ object to be observed ~. This is true, especially in the classical domain, for charged particles. Specifically the very ac t of t ruing to classically observe an elementary charged particle (or its associated electromagnetic field) always involves other charged particles. Because of the empirical existence of an indivisible unit of electric charge in Nature, the paradigm of ~ elementary ~> charged particle and ~ elementary ~> electromagnetic field (as used in conventional Maxwell-Lorentz formulations of classical eleetrodynamics) is classically nonoperational in the microcosm. This is because one cannot reduce the value of the measuring charge continuously to zero, but merely to the l imit of one electron charge. Hence the very act of classically trying to observe an ~ elementary ~> charge will always involve other such ~ elementary ,~ charges in the detection apparatus. Since the paradigm of elementary charged particle is classically nonoperational (within the framework of purely microscopic electromagnetic interactions), one is tempted to t ry to elminate the concept from purely electromagnetic formulations of classical electron theory, but cannot consistently do so without changing the basic formulation from the conventional MaxwellLorentz theory. A simple way of accomplishing this, without el iminating the fields entirely (as in Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics), is to rede]ine the basic interacting electrodynamic degrees o] ]reedom as being ~ charge-]ields , (i.e. each charge has its own set of Maxwell field equations, with their own associated set of ~ charge-Field ~> solutions, and postulate that physical reality is ~ wp o] mutual interactions between various ~ charge-]ielde ~ in spacetime. We call this formulation (Classical Elementary Measurement Electrodynan~ics ) (i). In order to understand the structure of the new formalism, a ~ direct-(charge-field)action ~ type of classical electrodynamie theory, it is best to view it from the context of its comparison to conventional Maxwell-Lorentz clectrodynamics, and other alternative ~ Direct-Action ,~ formulations.
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