The power generated by renewable energy sources (RES), including photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy systems, are a great deal dependent on climate situations that result in Power Quality (PQ) issues, which require rapid adjustment of energy transmission and distribution systems. As a solution, (Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator) DSTATCOM is implemented for reactive power compensation, reducing voltage sag, swell, and THD. A novel High-gain SEPIC-ZETA converter is designed in this study to enhance the voltage obtained from the PV system with high efficiency. On the other hand, the proposed work aims to improve PQ issues using DSTATCOM with PV-Wind and battery systems. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based Maximum Power Point (MPPT) controller is adopted for tracking optimal power from the PV and to tune the parameters of this controller adopting Whale optimization algorithm (WOA). Moreover, the PWM rectifier is employed to convert the AC supply from the wind energy system to DC and it is controlled by the Proportional Integral (PI) controller. Hysteresis Current Controller (HCC) is incorporated to generate reference current based on Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) theory, which is required for the reduction of harmonics. Three phase voltage source inverter is integrated to convert DC-AC supply for distributing the energy supply to load application. Finally, the anticipated work is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink and the comparative analysis is made towards the conventional topologies to authenticate the proficiency of the developed work. As a consequence, the outcomes demonstrate the improved PQ with a lower THD value of 0.72% with high tracking efficiency is accomplished by the proposed technique.
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