This paper presents two methods used to estimate the externalphosphorus load for the hydroelectric reservoir ofBort-Les-Orgues (in France's `Massif Central' region). The Pload calculated from export coefficients (150 t yr-1) agreedwith field measurements taken during a one-year survey carriedout from March 1996 to February 1997 (121 t yr-1). Exportcoefficients represent a good option for estimating phosphorusloads of other reservoirs in the region of Bort-Les-Orgues,provided that they display similar characteristics. Theseexternal load estimates are greater than the maximum permissibleload for a mesotrophic lake calculated from the OECD equations(40 t yr-1); thus, a yearly reduction of about 60 t shouldideally be achieved. This target, however, is probably tooambitious, and measures to reduce both point and non-pointsources must be implemented for the reservoir to tbe mesotrophic.Moreover, Bort-Les-Orgues is a tourist area. As such, thepresence of algal blooms (a regular occurrence on the lake) dueto an excess of P in the lake's water inflow could actuallyexert a negative impact on regional economy.