The energy requirement in the world is increasing day by day. The non-renewable energy production is one of the reasons for climate change. The present study explores the selection of possible locations to establish a wind power plant in Ethiopia. The possible locations from Ethiopia that were considered in this study are Weraelu, Enewari and Mekdela. The wind speed characterization, wind direction and wind power densities were analyzed at Waraelu, Enewari and Mekdela. The results of this study reveals that Enewari is the best suitable place to establish the wind power plants among Waraelu, Enewari and Mekdela. In Enewari site the maximum wind speed at 10m height is 6.11 m/s. 75% of wind direction at Enewari site is from North to North West and North to North East. Weibull distribution analysis was incorporated to find average wind speed and probability density among five years of wind speed data. The average wind speed and probability density over five years of Enewari site is 5 m/s and 18.5%. The wind power densities were determined by Weibull method and the maximum wind power obtained from Enewari site is 495.33 w/m^2.
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