Abstract Shock interaction has been argued to play a role in powering a range of optical transients, including supernovae, classical novae, stellar mergers, tidal disruption events, and fast blue optical transients. These same shocks can accelerate relativistic ions, generating high-energy neutrino and gamma-ray emission via hadronic pion production. The recent discovery of time-correlated optical and gamma-ray emission in classical novae has revealed the important role of radiative shocks in powering these events, enabling an unprecedented view of the properties of ion acceleration, including its efficiency and energy spectrum, under similar physical conditions to shocks in extragalactic transients. Here we introduce a model for connecting the radiated optical fluence of nonrelativistic transients to their maximal neutrino and gamma-ray fluence. We apply this technique to a wide range of extragalactic transient classes in order to place limits on their contributions to the cosmological high-energy gamma-ray and neutrino backgrounds. Based on a simple model for diffusive shock acceleration at radiative shocks, calibrated to novae, we demonstrate that several of the most luminous transients can accelerate protons up to 1016 eV, sufficient to contribute to the IceCube astrophysical background. Furthermore, several of the considered sources—particularly hydrogen-poor supernovae—may serve as “gamma-ray-hidden” neutrino sources owing to the high gamma-ray opacity of their ejecta, evading constraints imposed by the nonblazar Fermi Large Area Telescope background. However, adopting an ion acceleration efficiency of ∼0.3%–1% motivated by nova observations, we find that currently known classes of nonrelativistic, potentially shock-powered transients contribute at most a few percent of the total IceCube background.
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