Exercise-induced changes in the synchrony of left ventricular contraction may be an important therapeutic target in heart failure. There are limited data to support the feasibility of exercise assessments. In addition, the effect of exercise on synchrony in healthy individuals is undetermined. Eleven healthy young men underwent tissue Doppler assessments before and immediately after maximal cardiopulmonary exercise. Left ventricular synchrony was assessed using pulsed wave tissue Doppler of the lateral, septal, inferior, and anterior walls. The maximal dispersion times between the walls for onset and peak systolic velocities were used as synchrony indices. The proportion of the cardiac cycle taken between Q wave and time to onset or peak systolic motion was constant at rest and peak exercise. There was no significant exercise-induced change seen in either interventricular or intraventricular synchrony. Exercise synchrony assessment is technically feasible. Synchronization of cardiac contraction is maintained after maximal exercise in healthy individuals.