OZET Amac: Bu olgu raporunda; anterior capraz kapanisi bulunan hastada intruzyon ve ekstruzyonun birlikte goruldugu travmanin tedavisi sunulmaktadir. Olgu Raporu: 8 yasinda kiz hasta, Gazi Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesi Pedodonti Klinigi’ne kaydiraktan dusmeye bagli travma hikayesi ile basvurdu. Hastanin 11 numarali disinde intruzyon, 21 numarali disinde ekstruzyon ve on capraz kapanis varligi tespit edildi. Coklu travmanin tedavi planlamasinda kok uclari acik olan 11’in re-erupsuyonu, 21’in yerine yerlestirilmesi ve 3 hafta splint yapilmasina karar verildi. 21 numarali disin 6. Ay kontrolunde vitalite kaybi ve renklesmeye bagli apeksifikasyon tedavisi yapilmasina karar verildi. Hastanin 3 aylik periodlarla 24 ay takibi yapildi. Bulgular: Intruze dis, 12. ay kontrolunde vitalitesini koruyup capraz kapanistan cikarak re-erupte oldu. Ekstruze disin apeksifikasyon sonrasinda 12, 18 ve 24 aylik kontrollerinde klinik ve radyografik olumsuz bir semptom gozlenmedi. Sonuc: Bu olgu raporunda coklu travma olgularinda tedavi planlamasi ve takibinin buyuk oneme sahip oldugu vurgulanmistir. Anahtar sozcukler: Anterior capraz kapanis, intruzyon, ekstruzyon MULTIPLE DENTAL TRAUMA IN CASE ANTERIOR CROSSBITE: TWO YEARS FOLLOW-UP IN CASE REPORT ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this case report is to present a case of a patient who had anterior cross-bite and suffered from intrusion and extrusion of maxillary central incisors at the same trauma. Case Report: An 8-year-old girl was referred to Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, who suffered from slide accident within 1 hours. During clinical examination intrusion of maxillary right central incisor(#11), extrusion of maxillary left central incisor(#21) and anterior cross-bite were detected. While considering the multiple trauma, it was decided that repositioning of #21 and waiting for the spontaneous re-eruption of #11 that has open apices, would be the best choice. In addition, teeth were splinted with non-rigid splint. At the 6th month follow-up, loss of vitality and discoloration of #21 was determined. Apexification was indicated. The patient was followed-up for 24 months. Results: The intruded tooth was re-erupted spontaneously in 12 months. Moreover anterior cross-bite was also corrected without any intervention. Apexification of the #21 was shown no symptoms radiographically or clinically throughout the 12th, 18th and 24th month follow-ups. Conclusion: This case report features that the treatment planning of multiple trauma patients and follow-ups should be highlighted to have great importance. Key words: Anterior cross-bite, intrusion, extrusion
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