Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs), due to their ubiquitous use in industrial and consumer applications, present potential risks to marine ecosystems and biota, especially oysters. The physiological and immunological health of marine species is highly dependent on salinity levels. However, the combined impact of lowered salinity and exposure to ZnO NPs, particularly on key marine species like oysters, is an area that requires more research. Our study aimed to examine these concurrent stressors' impacts on phenotypic markers, gill and hepatopancreas physiological indices, and hemocyte immune parameters of Crassostrea hongkongensis. We subjected six oyster cohorts to varied ZnO NPs concentrations and salinity levels over 21 days. Our findings reveal that individual exposure to ZnO NPs or diminished salinity disrupts oyster physiology, impacting metabolism, antioxidant capacity, immune response, and energy distribution through distinct mechanisms. Remarkably, low salinity constituted a more significant threat than isolated ZnO NPs. However, when confronted with combined stressors, oysters exhibited a compensatory response, attenuating individual stressors' detrimental effects. This adaptation was characterised by reduced apoptosis rates, increased calcium ion concentration in mature hemocytes, and a restoration of conditioned indices, hepatopancreas alkaline phosphatase, and gill catalase activity to baseline levels. Principal Component Analysis and Integrated Biomarker Responses validated this compensatory phenomenon. Partial Least Squares Pathway Model analysis underscored these stressors' profound implications on oyster health, primarily driven by stressor exposure rather than mere zinc concentrations, despite acknowledging zinc's immunosuppressive impact on oyster immunity. Our research emphasises the importance of assessing multiple stressors' cumulative effects on aquatic species' ecological resilience, accentuating the need for comprehensive analyses incorporating functional specificity among diverse organs and immune components, including gill, hepatopancreas, and the critical hemocytes.
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