Reflectance spectra of down feathers from the heads of color-sexed chicks from broiler and layer strains were measured with a fiber-optic spectrophotometer. For both strains, the maximum divergence between sexes was at 350 nm (for broilers and layers respectively, t = 10 and t = 5, P<.005, n = 20) but significant divergence continued into the blue part of the spectrum (to around 500 nm). Mature feathers from Light Sussex (white), Rhode Island Red (red-brown), and Bantam (pale and dark bars on feathers) birds were measured as examples of deeper or more highly contrasting pigmentation. Divergences between spectra were found at higher wavelengths for the adult feathers than for color-sexed chick feathers (at 530 nm for white vs. red-brown, and around 700 nm for pale vs. dark bars.