A change in the ratio of estrogen-progesterone is essential for maternal-nest building behavior in the rabbit. The present study suggests that the pituitary gland is also necessary for nest building in addition to the ovarian steroids. Hypophysectomy of 10 rabbits during the last third of gestation completely abolished maternal-nest building normally seen at parturition; whereas, maternal-nest building occurred in 75% ( 3 4 ) of the sham-hypophysectomized females ( P < .05). Ovariectomy during the last third of gestation induced abortion followed by maternal-nest construction in 100% ( 4 4 ) of the control females and in 80% ( 4 5 ) of the sham-hypophysectomized females; whereas, none of five females that were hypophysectomized and ovariectomized built maternal nests ( P < .01). Treatment with estradiol and progesterone induced maternal-nest building in 87% ( 7 8 ) nonpregnant, ovariectomized, sham-hypophysectomized females while none of 12 nonpregnant, hypophysectomized, ovariectomized females built maternal nests ( P < .01).