Introduction: As per WHO Every year an estimated 2,87,000 women die worldwide from complicationsrelated to pregnancy. Behavior Change Communication (BCC) is one of the most cost effective ways oftargeting the issues of maternal health . There is a need to sensitize the in service ANMs regarding thebenefits of adopting a systematic BCC intervention.Objective: 1: To develop self learning material on BCC for RCH care2: To assess effectiveness of Self learning material (SLM)on knowledge of ANMs regarding BCC forAntenatal careMethod: Study was based on ADDIE Model to develop instructional material. Researcher developedSLM with learning objective to describe the process of Behaviour Change Communication and relatedrole of ANMs, to acquire knowledge about relevant information about selected ANC issues, plan andconduct BCC sessions for the selected ANC issues. Structured questionnaire was developed by theresearcher consisting items on knowledge of BCC and information related to antenatal period for earlyregistration, Importance of TT immunization, Diet and Rest, Identification and treatment of Anemia,Hi-Risk Pregnancy, Importance of Institutional Delivery , Identification and treatment of RTI/STI. Onegroup pretest post-test time series design was used to assess the retention of knowledge among 94 studysample after reading the SLM up to three months.Result: Majority of In-service ANMs (ISAs) 67 (71.3%) were from the age group of 40 years andabove and had not attended any course /In service education programme on BCC. Finding shows thatSLM was significantly effective to enhance the pre-test mean knowledge score from 32.78 to 78 .61and 70.16 (p<.001).
 Conclusion: SLM was effective to improve the knowledge of In-service ANMs on BCC and relevant information related essentialhealth care practices during antenatal period