Under homotopically non-trivial gauge transformations, U n , with winding number n, the action, I, for topologically massive Yang-Mills theory changes by 2 πn: I → I + 2 πn. Equivalently, Gauss' law requires the physical states Ψ phs[ A] to change by a phase under time-independent gauge transformations: A U = U + AU + U + ∂U, Ψ phs[ A U ] = exp[− iα( A, U)] Ψ phs[ A]. By a unitary transformation, Ψ′[ A] = e iW[ A] Ψ[ A], we remove this phase (the Gauss law condition becomes the usual Ψ′ phs[ A U ] = Ψ′ phs[ A]) and find a new action, I′, which is manifestly gauge invariant, but is spatially non-local and not manifestly Lorentz invariant. W[ A] is proportional to the one-loop chiral fermion effective action, − i ln det( ∂ + A) in two dimensions. In the primed system, analysis of the wavefunctional Ψ′ phs[ A] near points in gauge function space where the two-dimensional chiral determinant, det( ∂ + A), vanishes leads to quantization of the mass parameter μ. We use our results to comment upon the connection between the (2 n + 1)-dimensional non-perturbative anomaly and anomalies in one higher and one lower dimension.
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