We report the discovery of a rare isolated group of five dwarf galaxies located at z = 0.0086 (D = 36 Mpc). All member galaxies are star forming, blue, and gas rich, with g − r indices ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 mag, and two of them show signs of ongoing mutual interaction. The most massive member of the group has a stellar mass that is half of the Small Magellanic Cloud stellar mass, and the median stellar mass of the group members is 7.87 × 107 M ☉. The derived total dynamical mass of the group is M dyn = 6.02 × 1010 M ☉, whereas its total baryonic mass (stellar + H i) is 2.6 × 109 M ☉, which gives us the dynamical to baryonic mass ratio of 23. Interestingly, all galaxies found in the group are aligned along a straight line in the plane of the sky. The observed spatial extent of the member galaxies is 154 kpc, and their relative line-of-sight velocity span is within 75 km s−1. Using the spatially resolved optical spectra provided by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument early data release, we find that three group members share a common rotational direction. With these unique properties of the group and its member galaxies, we discuss the possible importance of such a system in the formation and evolution of dwarf galaxy groups and in testing the theory of large-scale structure formation.
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