Dense populations and industries in regions with developed inland waterways have caused the significant discharge of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) into surrounding waterways. Despite being the dominant energy input in the waterways, the impact of ship navigation on endogenous PFAA release is unclear. In this study, a field experiment was carried out in the Wangyu River (Taihu Basin, China) to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution processes of PFAAs in the water column after passage of ships with different tonnages, speeds, and draughts. The results showed that the PFAA contents did not decrease continuously with time but increased with a lag after the passing ship triggered a transient massive dissolution of PFAAs into the overlying water. In addition, PFAA contents in suspended particulate matter (SPM) exhibited a fluctuating downward trends after their peak at the moment of ship passage. Vertically, the PFAA concentrations among the layers of overlying water were relatively homogeneous, whereas SPM exhibited substantial heterogeneity in its distribution and adsorption of PFAAs. Moreover, the differences in jet scouring velocity (u), disturbance duration (t), and draught (h) of ships resulted in large variability in PFAA contents in the water column. Variance partitioning analysis further quantified the effects of u, t, and h on total PFAAs in the water column, with individual contributions of 53 %, 12 %, and 6 %, respectively. Furthermore, the release of endogenous PFAAs induced by ship passage involved rapid and slow processes, the former determining the overall PFAA release and the latter affecting PFAA concentration recovery in the water column. The findings provide in-situ observational data on spatiotemporal variations of PFAAs in multiphase media following ship passage, enhancing our understanding of endogenous pollution in inland waterways.
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