Abstract Accurately quantifying the ionizing photon production efficiency (ξion) of z ≳ 6 star-forming galaxies (SFGs) is necessary to fully understand their contribution to reionization. In this study, we investigate the ionizing properties of N = 279 SFGs selected at z ≃ 6.9 − 7.6 from two of the largest JWST Cycle-1 imaging programmes; PRIMER and JADES. We use bagpipes to consistently infer the equivalent widths (Wλ) of their [O iii]+H β emission lines and their physical properties. To supplement this sample, we measure Wλ([O iii]+H β) photometrically for N = 253zspec = 3.2 − 3.6 SFGs selected from the VANDELS spectroscopic survey. Comparing these samples, we find a strong apparent redshift evolution in their median Wλ([O iii]+H β), increasing from Wλ([O iii]+H β)=380 ± 30 Å in VANDELS to Wλ([O iii]+H β)=540 ± 25 Å in PRIMER+JADES. Concentrating on the JWST sample (z ≳ 7), we find that Wλ([O iii]+H β) correlates with stellar mass and UV luminosity, with high-mass, MUV-faint galaxies producing systematically weaker emission lines. Moreover, we discover a departure from the standard log-normal shape of the Wλ([O iii]+H β) distribution, with a more pronounced tail towards lower Wλ([O iii]+H β), consistent with increasingly bursty star formation. Using Wλ([O iii]+H β) as a proxy for ξion, and UV spectral slope as a proxy for Lyman-continuum escape ($f_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{LyC}$), we uncover a minority of galaxies with high ξion and $f_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{LyC}$ (e.g., log(ξion/erg−1Hz) ≃ 25.6 and $f_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{LyC}$≃ 0.15). However, we find the ionizing photon budget at z ≳ 7 is dominated by galaxies with more moderate output, close to the median values of log(ξion/erg−1Hz) ≃ 25.3 and $f_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{LyC}$≃ 0.05. Our results are consistent with estimates for the number of ionizing photons required to power reionization at z ≳ 7, with no evidence for over or under-production.
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