We prove that the complex Euclidean field theory with local quartic self-interaction in two dimensions arises as a limit of an interacting Bose gas at positive temperature, when the density of the gas becomes large and the range of the interaction becomes small. The field theory is supported on distributions of negative regularity, which requires a renormalization by divergent mass and energy counterterms. We obtain convergence of the relative partition function and uniform convergence of the renormalized reduced density matrices. The proof is based on three main ingredients: (a) a quantitative analysis of the infinite-dimensional saddle point argument for the functional integral introduced by Fröhlich et al. (2022) using continuity properties of Brownian paths, (b) a Nelson-type estimate for a general nonlocal field theory in two dimensions, and (c) repeated Gaussian integration by parts in field space to obtain uniform control on the renormalized correlation functions. As a byproduct of our proof, in two and three dimensions we also extend the results on the mean-field limit by Fröhlich et al. (2022) and Lewin et al. (2021) to unbounded interaction potentials satisfying the optimal integrability conditions proposed by Bourgain (1997).
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