This study aimed to describe how far the moslem teaching has given influence<br />to the local culture in Wolio (Buton). This study researched a classic script text,<br />therefore used a filology and Heuristic methode. filology methode was used to<br />purify text and make text be readable by the citizen, whereas heuristic methode<br />was used to find out the substantial of the text. The result of this study showed<br />that Islamic teaching influenced toward local culture in Buton since Sultan<br />Mobolina Pauna administration. When he arranged the constitution of Buton<br />verbally called as “Martabat Tujuh “ or Sarana Wolio is like influenced by<br />his intuition or his sufism perspective. That influence could be seen through<br />the culture which was arranged like Martabat Tujuh, determining of sultan’s<br />number and sapati which was symbolized by sifat dua puluh, determining of<br />minister number was symbolized like thirty of juz alqur’an and determining<br />number of points refused by culture were symbolized by “itikad yang tujuh<br />puluh dua kaum”
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