Influencer marketing has rapidly evolved from a casual practice to an essential and increasingly regulated industry. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent global lockdowns accelerated this shift by confining consumers indoors and pushing them into a largely virtual world. In this digital landscape, influencer marketing emerged as a key strategy for brands seeking to enhance visibility and engagement. The saturation of social media spaces with influencer content has intensified the urgency around purchasing decisions and blurred the line between entertainment and commerce. Despite its effectiveness, influencer marketing raises significant concerns about deceptive practices—such as undisclosed sponsorships and misleading endorsements—that evade regulatory oversight and erode consumer trust. This Note argues that the Federal Trade Commission’s slow and reactive response to these practices inadvertently fosters unfair competition and compromises consumer loyalty. To protect consumers and strengthen the integrity of influencer marketing, this Note proposes a range of proactive regulatory strategies, including technological solutions, federal-state partnerships, voluntary certification, educational initiatives, and increased brand accountability.
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