This study examines the process of incorporating retail green marketing tactics, investigating the impact of institutional pressure and the intermediate function of green marketing culture. The results, obtained from a group of knowledgeable participants who have strong connections to their organisations, indicate a significant agreement in the implementation of environmentally friendly marketing tactics in the specific setting under investigation. Supermarkets are increasingly adopting environmentally conscious practises due to the need to protect the environment, comply with environmental legislation, and meet the growing demand for eco-friendly items. The consumer market demonstrates a greater recognition of the importance of ecological concerns, resulting in a higher need for products that are ecologically friendly. Businesses, in response to this consumer sentiment, are obligated to implement sustainable practises, placing emphasis on the necessity to furnish consumers with thorough information regarding environmentally-friendly items. Adopting environmentally friendly practises is not just a way to save money, but also a way for organisations to gain a competitive edge by establishing themselves as leaders in sustainability. This dedication not only improves the financial position but also adds to favourable environmental results, exemplifying corporate accountability.
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