This work aims to raise discussions about the perspective of the Freirean Dialogicity, with a view to weaving relations between it and Science Education in defense of the Marajoara territory. We anchored in Freire's speech (1983, 1978, 1987, 2014) and his liberating and conscientious pedagogy based on complaints and announcements. To do so, we enter into the complexity of the ancestral and contemporary Marajoara Amazon, which constitutes the Marajoara Culture, we talk about school education in the Marajoara Amazonian scenario, to then discuss the possible relations with Education in Sciences, through productions that denounce the monocultural and eurocentric curriculum and the need to break with epistemicide and epistemic domination, and announce the possibility of demarcation of the existence of black and indigenous people, contributing here to think a dialogical education in defense of the Marajoara territory.