All topological spaces considered in this paper will be assumed to be at least Hausdorff, and mappings of topological spaces will be assumed to be continuous. It is shown that the irreducible image of an infinite hyperstonian compactum cannot be locally connected, or, in other words, that the absolute of a locally connected infinite compactum cannot be a hyperstonian compactum. As an application of this theorem it is shown, for example, that there are no nonzero completely linear functionals in the K-lineal C(S) of all continuous real functions on a locally connected compactum S without isolated points. This generalizes the known result for the case S = [0, 1], apparently first obtained by M.A. Ermolin in his candidate's thesis. In the topological part of the paper the authors basically adhere to the terminology of [1], and in the part relating to the theory of partially ordered spaces to that of [2]. Since the term component is used both in topology and in the theory of partially ordered spaces (and in different senses), we shall, to avoid confusion, speak of a component of connectivity when using it in the topological sense. Recall that a topological space is called extremally disconnected if the closure of each of its open sets is open. Recently in connection with results of Ponomarev it was shown that the class of all absolutes coincides with the class of extremally disconnected spaces (see, for example, [3]); for the case of local compacta this had been done earlier by Gleason, which increased the interest in these spaces among topologists (see, for example, [5-7]). For mathematicians working in linear partially ordered spaces, extremally disconnected spaces are very important because, as is well known (see [2], Chap. V), every archimidean K-lineal (vector lattice) X has an isomorphic representation as a K-lineal of continuous real functions on an extremally disconnected compactum (which is the Stone space of the complete Boolean algebra of components of the K-linear X), where the functions can have on nowhere dense sets the values =}=oo By a measure on a complete Boolean algebra ~ we shall understand a strictly positive countably real function p, which may take the value +oo The measure # is called locally finite if for every B ~ ~ for which # (B) = +co, there is an A~ ~, A ~ , A -< B such that 0 < ~ < +~. Note that a locally finite measure is completely additive. An extremally disconnected compactum is called hyperstonian if there exists a locally finite measure on the complete Boolean algebra of its open-closed sets.