Leaf area index (LAI) is an important index for crop growth monitoring. This paper focused on estimation of winter wheat LAI dynamics in different growth stages based on Landsat TM data. In order to retrieve wheat LAI from remote sensing data, LAI measurements were initiated when Landsat satellite pass over the study region. Three Landsat5 TM images were acquired on April 15, May 17, and June 2, 2009, corresponding to jointing stage, flowering stage and milking stage of wheat. LAI was measured at each stage in thirty wheat fields distributed in Beijing suburb. Based on the TM images, spectral indices including NDVI, MSAVI, SAVI, RDVI, SR, ISR, MSR and NLI were calculated. Univariate correlation analysis was then conducted between LAI data and corresponding TM spectral variables. The analysis results indicated that TM ISR on April 15, TM Band4 on May17, and TM ISR on June 2 were very significantly correlated with LAI, and the coefficient values were 0.736, 0.548 and 0.493, respectively. LAI map of winter wheat for whole study area was produced based on optimal non-linear correlation models. The three LAI maps were used to winter wheat growth analysis and comparison of different growth stages. Study results indicated that from April 15 to May 17, LAI value for 14.88% of winter wheat fields (9131ha) increased less than 1, 64.43 % (39421 ha) increased between 1 to 2, 20.67 % (12685 ha) increased more than 2. LAI decreased from May 17 to June 2. 45.34% of winter wheat fields (27828 ha) decreased less than1, 45.20 % (27738 ha) decreased between 1 to 2, 9.33% (5725.42 ha) decreased more than 2.
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