The Atlantic Economic Journal has been established on the premise that there is a substantial need to increase communication and share constructive viewpoints among economists. In addition to formal publication of full length articles, other avenues of less formal communication should be available. A small point may not be worthy of a formal paper but is important enough to warrant dissemination to colleagues. Research in progress may be of interest to other economists. A research approach ending in negative results needs to be shared to save others from similar pitfalls. The Anthology has been established to facilitate this form of communication. It will provide a means by which short manuscripts can quickly appear in the Journal. All submissions will be formally reviewed by the Board of Editors. Every attempt will be made to complete the review process within one month after receipt of the manuscript. Manuscripts not meeting the guidelines listed below will be rejected without review. 1. Categories of manuscripts: (a) A summary of original research completed, briefly stating why it was undertaken, its methodology, and results obtained. (b ) A summary of research in progress and available upon request. (c ) A positive comment about a printed article. This should be of a nature that does not require formal reply. (d ) A corrective comment on errors in one's own previously printed work. 2. (a) Total length of text must not exceed 500 words. (b) If equations are used, the number of words should be reduced accordingly. Each line of an equation is equivalent to 20 words. (c ) Double-spaced, typewritten on 81A x 11 inch paper, with original and one copy. (d ) Title, not to exceed lOwords, followed by category number of Journal o f Economic Literature under which article primarily belongs. (e ) Body of the manuscript must not contain diagrams or tables, but may include numbers and a small amount of equations. (f) References to previously published works should appear in brackets and within the body of the text. (g) No footnotes will be accepted. 3. No backlog of accepted manuscripts will occur. Publication will be in the next available issue of the Journal. 4. Because of demands on space, an author will be limited to one publication over a 12 month period in either the Anthology section or in the regular section of the Journal (with the exception of conference abstracts). 5. A handling fee of $20.00 is charged all nonmembers of the Atlantic Economic Society. The handling fee for members is $10.00. 6. A publication fee of $50.00 is charged all non-members of the Atlantic Economic Society. There will be no publication fee for members. 7. All Anthologies should be submitted to: