Background: Snake bites currently being one of the global burdens, especially in tropic and subtropic regions like Indonesia. Snake bites can cause local tissue damage, cell necrotic, hemorrhage, malfunction of muscle, hypotension, and destruction of red blood cells. Based on the report for snake bites in South-East Asian, most of the victims were farmers. Gianyar district has 39.210 of their people working as a farmer. The aim of this research is to determine the characteristic cases of snake bites in Gianyar District Hospital in 2021. Method: The research is a descriptive cross-sectional. A total of 55 samples were used in this research. Sample information (sex, age) and clinical features (Paralysis, Nausea-Vomiting, Bleeding, Cell Necrotic, and Edema) were collected secondary by medical records, then analyzed and presented in a narrative. Results: The incidence mostly occurs in male patients (65,5%) and in the range of age 31-60 years old (60%). The snake that caused the incidence was mostly from the Viperidae family (63,6%). The Clinical features found in the samples: Paralysis (30,9%), Nausea-Vomiting (5,5%), Bleeding (14,5%), Cell Necrotic (0%), and Edema (60%). The Incidence Rate of this research is 10,5 cases per 100.000 population, Cause-Specific Death Rate is 0 cases per 100.000 population and the Case Fatality Rate is 0%. Conclusion: Snake bite is a major burden in Indonesia but only a few people have the knowledge of the early management of snake bite. Primary Health Care should educate the local community about snake bite early management to prevent further complications.
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