Extended Abstract Problem: The basic reason behind compulsory rotation application is based on the idea that long-term employment of managers in the same institution will create various problems. Working in the same institution could lead to some problems in organizations such as laziness, metal fatigue, ego inflation or management myopia (Leblebici, 2005; Reynolds, White and Brayman, 2005; Tonbul and Sagiroglu, 2012). These explanations show that there is a relationship between duration of working in the same school and stagnation, slackness and insistence on resorting to same solutions for problems (Tonbul and Sagiroglu, 2012). Rotation implementation that is actually a career management application aims to provide new career opportunities, to increase especially successful employees' motivation and their contribution to organization. Through “Regulation Related to Change to be Made Related To National Ministry of Education Institutions Managers' Appointments and Rotation Regulation” published in Official Gazette dated 09.08.2011 and volume 28020, compulsory rotation application that was applied only for school principals started to be applied for school vice-principals, too. The aim of this study is to assess school managers and teachers' opinions related to compulsory rotation application that is applied to school managers. Method: In the study which is in phenomenology model, qualitative data collection tools were used. Study group of the research is composed of 71 participants with 23 school principals, 11 vice-principals and 37 teachers by using purposive sampling technique. Data was gathered through semi-structured interview form composed of seven questions and descriptive analysis technique was used. Results: Opinions of participants regarding compulsory rotation application were classified under such themes: 1) Reasons for compulsory rotation application, 2) Positive and negative effects of compulsory rotation application, 3) Suggestions for improvement of the application. According the findings gathered, participants expressed that, in principle, they were not against compulsory rotation application applied to school managers, but some participants were of the opinion that compulsory rotation application was carried out based on ideological reasons. Participants' opinions related to positive-negative effects of application were collected under titles such as organizational culture, communication, adaptation problems and negative effects on individual life. Majority of participants think that compulsory rotation application will harm organizational culture and will lead to adaptation problems and also influence individual life. Participants' suggestions about improvement of the application were collected under sub titles such as performance evaluation, duration and time of the application. Despite differences in participants' opinions, there is a consensus that rotation must be made in 8-10 years period. According to participants, current application is not based on a healthy performance evaluation, does not differentiate between successful and unsuccessful managers, takes seniority as basic criterion and thus, it is an application towards punishing successful managers. Key Words: Compulsory Rotation Application, School managers, Teachers --------------------------------------------------- Ozet 09.08.2011 tarih 28020 sayili Resmi Gazetede yayinlanan “Milli Egitim Bakanligi Egitim Kurumlari Yoneticilerinin Atama ve Yer Degistirmelerine Iliskin Yonetmelikte Degisiklik Yapilmasina Dair Yonetmelik” ile daha once sadece okul mudurlerine uygulanan zorunlu yer degistirme uygulamasi mudur yardimcilarina da uygulanmaya baslamistir. Bu calismanin amaci, okul yoneticilerine uygulanan zorunlu yer degistirme uygulamasi hakkinda okul yoneticilerinin ve ogretmenlerin goruslerini belirlemektir. Olgubilim desenindeki arastirmada nitel veri toplama yontemleri kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunda, amacli ornekleme teknigi kullanilarak belirlenen 23 okul muduru, 11 mudur yardimcisi ve 37 ogretmen olmak uzere 71 katilimci bulunmaktadir. Veriler, yedi sorudan olusan yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu ile toplanmis ve betimsel analiz teknigi ile analiz edilmistir. Katilimcilarin, zorunlu yer degistirme uygulamasi ile ilgili gorusleri; 1) Zorunlu yer degistirme uygulamasinin gerekceleri, 2) Uygulamanin olumlu-olumsuz etkileri ve 3) Uygulamanin iyilestirilebilmesi icin oneriler temalari altinda ele alinmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore, katilimcilar okul yoneticilerine uygulanan zorunlu yer degistirme uygulamasina prensip olarak karsi olmadiklarini belirtmislerdir ancak bazi katilimcilar zorunlu yer degistirmenin ideolojik nedenlerle uygulandigi gorusundedir. Katilimcilarin, uygulamanin olumlu-olumsuz etkileri ile ilgili gorusleri, orgut kulturu, iletisim ve uyum sorunlari ve bireysel yasam uzerindeki olumsuz etkiler basliklari altinda toplanmistir. Katilimcilarin buyuk cogunlugu zorunlu yer degistirme uygulamasinin orgut kulturune zarar verecegini, iletisim ve uyum sorunlarina neden olacagini ve bireysel yasamlarini etkileyecegini dusunmektedir. Katilimcilarin uygulamanin iyilestirilmesine iliskin onerileri, performans degerlendirme ve sure ve uygulanma zamani alt basliklari altinda toplanmistir. Katilimcilarin farkli gorusleri olmasina ragmen, genel olarak yer degistirmenin 8–10 yil gibi bir zaman dilimi icerisinde yapilmasi konusunda gorus birligindedir. Katilimcilara gore mevcut uygulama, saglikli bir performans degerlendirmeye dayanmamakta, basarili-basarisiz yonetici ayrimi yapmamakta, kidemi temel olcut almakta ve bu nedenle de basarili yoneticileri cezalandirmaya yonelik bir uygulamadir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Zorunlu yer degistirme uygulamasi, Okul yoneticileri, Ogretmenler
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