ABSTRACT Background While the research showed that the education stakeholders had a favorable attitude toward multicultural education, it also showed a negative view of individuals with different sexual orientations considered within multiculturalism. Since there are hardly any studies on how this situation is reflected in physical education (PE) and sports, it is believed those revealing PE teachers’ attitudes to multicultural education and people with various sexual orientations in the Turkish sample will add to the body of limited literature. Purpose This research had two objectives. First, compare the attitudes of female and male PE teachers toward multicultural education and lesbians and gay men. Second, investigate the relationship between PE teachers’ attitudes toward multicultural education, lesbians and gay men, age, and years of teaching experience. Method The study included 313 conveniently selected in-service PE teachers. The study's participants were all currently working at Turkey's public lower- and upper-secondary schools. Data were gathered using the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey and the Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale Revised Short Version. Findings PE teachers’ attitudes regarding multicultural education were not found to differ by gender. Female teachers, unlike their male counterparts, viewed lesbians and gay men more favorably. Female and male teachers’ attitudes towards multicultural education were positively related to their attitudes towards lesbians and gay men and were negatively associated with their age. Years of teaching experience did not correlate with the female and male teachers’ attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Conclusions It needs to be emphasized that the positive attitudes of the two sexes of PE teachers toward multicultural education did not have a similar reflection on the attitudes toward people of different sexual orientations and that male teachers’ attitudes towards lesbians and gay men are less favorable than female teachers. This conclusion leads to the recommendation that the required modifications be made to the teacher education program to include sexual orientation diversity within the multicultural framework. Seminars and in-service training are necessary to assist the currently employed PE teachers in developing a helpful mindset.
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